Who am I

I'm a man, a coder, a vimer and a rustacean who can also write go...

Welcome to my website, my name is Cheng JIANG, I graduated from SHU and gained my Master degree at University of Troyes with a major in Network and Telecommunications.

Currently I'm working at QEDProtocol as ZK Engineer. We are putting efforts to build the next zk-Native blockchain protocol, built to scale trustless computation and privacy for the next generation of the internet.

Previously I was at Parallel Finance as Blockchain Lead. I developed Parallel's Parachain and the Lending Protocol.

Before that I was at Ubudu as Senior Full Stack Developer. I developed Ubudu's Real Time Location System, Social Distancing System (IOT solution for anti-covid19) and Embedded Device Management Platform.

In spare time, I do research and give talks in Zero Knowledge Proofs, Virtual Machines, Compilers, Distributed Systems and Blockchain. I'm active on GITHUB and contributing to Plonky3, succinctlabs, privacy-scaling-explorations, risc0, paradigmxyz, aave, qedprotocol, l2ordinals, parallel-finance, paraspace, casbin, neoclide and many more...

This is my resume in english.

Things I Can Do

I believe a good progrmmer will spend 70% of his/her time on thinking and researching. Coding is just the last and simplest step.

  • Zero Knowledge Proofs
  • Virtual Machines & Compilers
  • DeFi & Blockchain
  • Software & Hardware Acceleration
  • Indoor Location System (BLE, UWB)
  • Distributed System

A Few Accomplishments

Computer science is a black hole, the closer you get, the more attracted you are.

L2O Reference Implementation

In this project, I built the l2o reference implementation which is a standard for building trustless applications on bitcoin.


In this project, I built the plonky2 verifier for plonky3. Recursive proof can be generated within 6 seconds with Metal acceleration.

ZK Perpetual

In this project, I built a dydx-like perpetual protocol with risc0 zkVM and its bonsai proving backend.


In this project, I helped doing research in Zk(E)VM, hardware acceleration and zk coprocessor.

We participated ABCDE ZK Hackathon with a project called LambdaZkEVM, a zk coprocessor for expanding EVM's computational capability.


In this project, we developed an instant credit market.

We allow users to borrow and lend using all their digital assets including NFT, ERC20 tokens and UniswapV3 LP tokens.

Parallel Finance

In this project, we have created a standalone appchain using Substrate and Cumulus.

The appchain empowers users to earn "double interest" by staking and lending their tokens.

McDonald's Drive Cloud Platform

Ubudu has provided a comprehensive drive-through solution to both McDonald's France and McDonald's USA.

This project involved the development of a tunnel solution for intranet penetration, complemented by an additional cloud platform.

Through the utilization of this platform, McDonald's has the capability to configure, upgrade, and monitor its Drive-Ids remotely.

Social Distancing Platform

Ubudu designed its IOT Solution for fighting against covid19. This solution is based on BLE and UWB technology.

In this project, I'm responsible for the SDA Cloud Platform which gathers data from embedded devices and offers realtime analysis, visualization and hierarchical contact tracing to users.

This platform has served more than 100 companies all over the world including Acrelec, Orange, Schneider Electric, Amphenol etc.


Casbin is an authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC. I brought it to Ubudu in 2019 and started to contribute to it.

We ported also Casbin from Go to Rust. It's the first full-featured authorization library in Rust ecosystem.

Contact Me

Most of the time, I'm active on GITHUB. You can write to me at @alex_cj96.